JULY 13 Wisdom 1-2-3: Roar away your fear

1 Monthly Wisdom Quote

"What’s like nectar in the beginning becomes like poison in the end. What’s like poison in the beginning becomes like nectar in the end.”

- The Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 18, Verses 37-38

2 Inspirational Nuggets from Me

I. Vedic spiritual tradition teaches that all fear is rooted in the fear of death. 

II. Along with anger, you must come face-to-face, in many ways, with fear when igniting the fire of transformation.

3 Introspective Questions to Awaken Your Inner Guru

I. Can you name your greatest fear(s) as the first step towards transforming it?

II. What is one action step you can take towards facing your fears, knowing that when you do so, they will begin to vanish and lose their power over you?

III. Can you find the lion within you that can name and tame your fears by visualizing them and practicing “roaring” like a lion at them? (Check out pages 78-79 of my book, The Way of the Goddess, for detailed instructions on how to practice roaring away your fears in lion’s pose.)

Until next week,

Ananta Ripa Ajmera, Co-founder and Director of The Ancient Way, Author of The Way of the Goddess and Host of the True to Yourself Podcast


3 Signs You’re Awakening Spiritually

How do you know you are awakening spiritually? There are 3 main signs I feel are critical to gauge how much you are progressing on your spiritual growth journey. Learn what these are, and how to cultivate them on an ongoing basis as part of your emotional self care and to evolve and heal spiritually.

I share with you stories from ancient mythology, including that of an Indian goddess with many arms, and my own personal experiences, what it means to embody these 3 signs, as well as embrace greater self-love, no matter where you're at on your spiritual journey home.

This episode brings the true to yourself quote (that this podcast is based on) to life.

It will be particularly helpful for those who identify as an empath. Boundaries and a fuller definition of forgiveness of yourself and others (vs forgiveness and forgetting) will be explained in terms of how they support your journey of change + transformation.


True to Yourself Podcast 26: How to Control Anger Issues for Healthier Relationships with Ananta Ripa Ajmera


True to Yourself Podcast 25: Awakening Spiritually: 3 Signs It’s Happening In Your Life with Ananta Ripa Ajmera