MAY 17 Wisdom 1-2-3: Becoming one with spiritual knowledge by living it

1 Monthly Wisdom Quote

“The Self cannot be cut, nor burnt, nor wetted, nor dried. The Self is eternal, all-pervading, stable, immovable, and ancient.”

The Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 2, Verse 24

2 Inspirational Nuggets from Me

I. “Stability is rooted in the concept of Shraddha, a Sanskrit term that represents the capacity of the intellect to reflect upon teachings, understand, and make them your own.”

II. “Shraddha is the ability to pursue knowledge until you become one with it, until the information brings about a transformation in your life, and mere knowledge metamorphoses into your living, embodied wisdom.”

3 Introspective Questions to Awaken Your Inner Guru

I. What is one simple practice you can try to cultivate stability (see resources below for ideas)?

II. What is a personal intention you can set to remind yourself of why cultivating a practice for stability is important to you? (e.g. My body is my temple.)

III. How can you carve out 10-15 minutes each day to do your practice that brings you greater stability (perhaps as part of your lunch break, first thing when you wake up, last thing before bedtime, etc.)? 

Until next week,

Ananta Ripa Ajmera, Co-founder and Director of The Ancient Way and Author of The Way of the Goddess


True to Yourself Podcast 19: Spiritual Practices to Be Mentally and Emotionally Stable with Ananta Ripa Ajmera


True to Yourself Podcast 18: Getting Grounded on Your Spiritual Journey with Ananta Ripa Ajmera