This program was piloted at Stanford School of Medicine’s Health Improvement Program and Alameda County Probation Department. It is now a certified training for all California Probation Departments by California Standards and Training for Corrections (STC) Division of the Board of State and Community Corrections (BSCC).

About the Program

Take Health Into Your Own Hands trainings give you a rare opportunity to learn ancient strategies to truly live well. Training is complete with simple, hands-on health promotion tools, stress-reducing techniques, delicious food samples and recipes, and empowering exercises. Trainings are based on the award-winning, bestselling book The Ayurveda Way, and are rooted in Yoga and Ayurveda, the ancient sister sciences of healthy living. As a holistic medical system of healing, Ayurveda addresses the root causes of health problems at the levels of the body, mind, spirit, and five senses. Its solutions can be availed right from the comfort of your own kitchen and garden. Yoga and Ayurveda are excellent complements to western medicine. 97% of Stanford and Probation staff recommend the 8-week training. 95% report it positively affected their work performance and engagement. Trainings are customizable to your needs.

Sample Training Exercises

  • Reduce work-related stress and gain energy with 1-2 min breathing exercises and yoga poses

  • Manage aches and pains and sleep better at night with a special 5-min evening exercise

  • Eat in a way that boosts your digestion even if

    you don’t cook

  • Practice 5-10 mins of visualization exercises to enhance mental clarity

Proven Health Outcomes

Based on self-reported improvements. Full Probation pilot report available on request.

  • 47% reduction in aches and pains

  • 46% better sleep

  • 34% greater physical energy

  • 31% higher productivity levels

  • 29% improvement in digestion

  • 80% report improved clarity of mind

  • 79% report improved ability to cope with stress

  • 75% report improved ability to be present

About the Instructor

Ananta Ripa Ajmera transformed eating disorders, digestive difficulties, acne, insomnia, physical pain, anxiety, and trauma, and shares openly about her journey to make sustainable health changes in her own life with the tools she teaches in her trainings. She is a 10-time award-winning, bestselling author of The Way of the Goddess (endorsed by Dr. Deepak Chopra) and The Ayurveda Way, a Certified Ayurveda Health Practitioner and Certified Yoga Instructor. Ananta is Co-founder of The Ancient Way, an organization that serves as a bridge between ancient wisdom and modern living, with spiritual empowerment and holistic wellness programs. She’s spoken at the Social Innovation Summit (featuring Fortune 500 executives, White House and government leaders, and leading social entrepreneurs), Endeavor, UNICEF, UC Berkeley, and Columbia Business School.

As Seen In

What People Are Saying

Muntu Mbonsi, Alameda County Probation Department Staff Development Specialist

“The way you gave practical health-promoting tools, followed up, reinforced, and had students practice them has a lot of integrity.

It’s exactly what our training unit needs and exactly what we want to provide our staff. This training allowed our staff, who are givers, to be fed consistently. Over time, that helped their humanity grow and expand because they received tools for a higher personal quality of life.”

Peter Wasowski, Founder & CEO of Patented Vasper System Used by Navy Seals, NASA, Olympic Athletes

"I learned that food can be nourishing on a spiritual as well as a physical plane when consumed communally with conscience, focus and above all slowly…

Actually chewing each bite transforms the experience of eating. Thank you very much for sharing knowledge, experience and a deeply nourishing meal.”

  • "This was the best class I've ever taken at Stanford Health Improvement Program."

    ~ Bob

  • "The most valuable things I learned were a pre-sleeping routine and the importance of taking time to be still. I have greatly benefited from the empowering rituals. I feel more at peace. When stress arises, I now have tools to deal with it. Highly recommed the training for all employees."

    ~ Regina

  • "It's definitely worth taking this training if you're dealing with any kind of stress or discomfort. Even if you don't use every single tool taught, there's something for everyone to take away from this training."

    ~ Richetta

  • "I love this training. You've very soothing and the way you taught was very relaxing, no pressure. The more I learned, the more I want to know, so I hope it continues. The training was excellent and whetted my appetite to learn more! I would gladly pay for a training like this if offered during the week over lunch hour."

    ~ Sherri

  • "I loved learning and understanding just how many layers are responsible for contributing to our overall health."

    ~ Ben

We meet you and your staff where you are at.


We are happy to offer our Take Health Into Your Own Hands Training Program in a variety of formats suitable to your staff’s needs.

We can offer you our staff training programs as:

  • A half or full-day Online or In-Person Retreat

  • An 8-week Program, online or in-person (in Miami area), meeting for 1 hour per week

  • A series of Pre-recorded Videos covering the most pressing needs of your staff that can be viewed at one’s own pace

  • A live weekly online Module-Based Program on any aspect of healthy living (spanning 3 weeks to 6 months) and/or developing one or more spiritual superpowers: stability, creativity, transformation, love, voice, intuition, truth, rejuvenation, intention

  • A full-fledged One Year Wellness Ambassador Program on all aspects of healthy living (with pre-recorded and live q and a)

  • A full-fledged 9-Month Spiritual Warrior Leadership Training Program including writing your trauma healing story and martial arts training