JULY 6 Wisdom 1-2-3: Building your immunity

1 Monthly Wisdom Quote

"What’s like nectar in the beginning becomes like poison in the end. What’s like poison in the beginning becomes like nectar in the end.”

- The Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 18, Verses 37-38

2 Inspirational Nuggets from Me

I. Humans are pleasure-seeking creatures, but the unbounded pursuit of pleasure, of “nectar” in the words of the Gita, can backfire and become poison without awareness and detachment.

II. The process of brahmacharya (the path of self-control of your mind and especially your five senses) is designed to purify your life in preparation for spiritual transformation. 

3 Introspective Questions to Awaken Your Inner Guru

I. Reflect on an experience when you went to excess with something that felt like nectar in the beginning, but then become like poison in the end. 

What did you learn from this experience?

II. What sensory experiences bring you clarity and peace of mind?

III. What sensory experiences make you feel more agitated or depressed?

Until next week,

Ananta Ripa Ajmera, Co-founder and Director of The Ancient Way, Author of The Way of the Goddess and Host of the True to Yourself Podcast


Ancient Ayurvedic Goddess Fertility Wisdom

Did you know that there is a strong connection between how to build immunity system health and bloom fertility in both men and women, according to  ancient goddess fertility wisdom from the holistic health tradition of Ayurveda? 

What the ancient holistic healing wisdom of Ayurveda reveals about extended fertility in particular is that it actually has a lot more to do with your overall immune system health than it does with your biological age. 

You'll learn in this episode how to build immunity system health and simultaneously overcome problems with fertility through:

  • Food for increasing fertility and building immunity naturally

  • The best times of the year to conceive

  • How your mindset and fertility are intricately connected

  • What 'brahmacharya' means, and how it supports your spiritual growth journey while building your immune system health and helping you bloom fertility


True to Yourself Podcast 25: Awakening Spiritually: 3 Signs It’s Happening In Your Life with Ananta Ripa Ajmera


True to Yourself Podcast 24: Goddess Fertility Wisdom: Build Immunity System Health & Bloom Fertility with Ananta Ripa Ajmera