Express Yourself with Sound and Silence with Goddess Skandmata in Your Throat Chakra

Illustration by Gaby Gohlar

EXPRESS YOURSELF WITH SOUND AND SILENCE with Goddess Skandmata, the mother of the powerful warrior God Skanda, who lives in your throat chakra as the POWER OF VOICE.⁠


5th Chakra = Throat Chakra⁠

Element = Space/Ether⁠

Sense = Sound⁠

Location = Your Throat⁠


The Sanskrit name for this chakra means pure.⁠

This is where your energy, after having been purified through the first three chakras, and then connected with the power of love in the fourth chakra, can express itself.⁠

Making time for silence gives you a kind of womb-like safety in which to feel whatever emotions you need to feel, in order to truly heal.⁠

Silence also gives way for the most powerful speech.⁠

It builds the power of your conviction through the opportunity it provides for reflection on all the inputs you have taken in through your senses, and from your life experiences.⁠

When you reflect in silence, you can build up your conviction, which leads to expression.⁠

Cultivating the power of expression is the ultimate gift that this chakra offers you, to speak what is true for you, through sound as well as silence.⁠

As we express ourselves just as powerfully through our silence as we do our speech.⁠


After giving birth to the whole universe as Goddess Kushmanda, now Durga as Goddess Skandmata gives birth to a biological child.⁠

Goddess Skandmata is depicted as the biological mother of the powerful warrior god Skanda. She rides a lion, yet she is seen breastfeeding her child.⁠

Her care for her son represents the possibility that when we care for our inner child, we can become brave and powerful, like the spiritual warrior Skanda.⁠

It takes bravery, after all, to face all the emotions that arise in silence, to really speak your truth from a space of knowing what is true for you.⁠

About the Author: Ananta Ripa Ajmera is an award-winning author, spiritual teacher, Ayurveda practitioner, host of the True to Yourself Podcast, Advisor of Ayurveda at THE WELL, and Co-founder and Director of The Ancient Way. Empaths seek Ananta's guidance to discover their inner peace and achieve optimal health, allowing them to live in alignment and find true happiness. Ananta's students, of all walks of life, in yoga and wellness studios, corporations, and government agencies, appreciate how she empowers them to awaken their inner guru and ignite the fire of spiritual transformation to make profound changes in their lives. Follow her on Instagram for spiritual wellness inspiration to awaken your inner guru.


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