Love Your True Self with Goddess Kushmanda in Your Heart Chakra

Illustration by Gaby Gohlar

HEAL YOUR HEART with Goddess Kushmanda, who created the world through heartfelt laughter in your heart chakra as the POWER OF LOVE.⁠


4th Chakra = Heart Chakra⁠

Element = Air⁠

Sense = Touch⁠

Location = Your Beautiful, Divine Heart⁠


Moving into the higher realms of awareness and consciousness, beyond your ego, and closer to your true Self.⁠

Cultivating the power of love by balancing the fourth chakra brings you the gift of self-love, which is a necessary foundation to love all others and manifest abundance in your work.⁠


After we’ve stood up for ourselves, even to our significant other (as Chandraghanta did), we are asked to open our hearts to the healing power of love.⁠

To truly love others, even those who have hurt us, we have to, first and foremost, love ourselves.⁠

When we remember that this power to love is a gift that we can best give others by first giving it to ourselves, we will feel our strongest and most inspired from within.⁠

Goddess Kushmanda is the cosmic egg of all creation on earth, and she also lives in our hearts.⁠

Goddess Kushmanda is depicted as laughing.⁠

After we have gone through the journey of purification of the ego in the previous three chakras, we are now reminded to not take ourselves too seriously on our spiritual journey!⁠

Kushmanda’s laughter reminds us that when we laughing (instead of agonizing over everything) is when we are the most creative.⁠

Opening your heart chakra leads you to experiencing self-love, the kind of love that ultimately gives you fulfillment in life.⁠

True abundance can be manifested in life through a heart that is already full of love, joy and gratitude.⁠

When we learn to live and give and love from a feeling of fullness in our hearts, what remains is fullness.⁠

Outer seeking stops.⁠

Inner contentment reigns supreme.⁠

Learn more about Goddess Kushmanda, how I benefited from her presence in my heart chakra on my spiritual journey, and how you can also heal and balance your heart chakra in my award-winning book The Way of the Goddess.

About the Author: Ananta Ripa Ajmera is an award-winning author, spiritual teacher, Ayurveda practitioner, host of the True to Yourself Podcast, Advisor of Ayurveda at THE WELL, and Co-founder and Director of The Ancient Way. Empaths seek Ananta's guidance to discover their inner peace and achieve optimal health, allowing them to live in alignment and find true happiness. Ananta's students, of all walks of life, in yoga and wellness studios, corporations, and government agencies, appreciate how she empowers them to awaken their inner guru and ignite the fire of spiritual transformation to make profound changes in their lives. Follow her on Instagram for spiritual wellness inspiration to awaken your inner guru.


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